Ch Srinagar Bhavant Bhairava, CD, LCM
(Ch Srinagar Brahma of Uray, FCh X Ch Srinagar Udara Habibi)
DOB: 1975
Baha was my first saluki. He finished his championship at 10 months of age with four majors, each time with the judge posing him for me and giving me a handling lesson. It was a shock that the judges did not do that in the specials ring, which is where I ultimately taught myself to handle. Sort of. Even so, Baha ended up placing in the Top 10 salukis for several years, and was also in the top 10 in coursing and in obedience. He was a multiple BIF winner, including a regional invitational and a trial of 150-plus dogs.
Baha had a zest for life and a nose for trouble. He lived to outwit me, and usually succeeded. Nonethless he was a dependable as well as incredibly fun companion, a true partner in adventure---and misadventure, when he got his way. He was dead sound in body and mind. All of our dogs are named in his honor.
Baha sired three litters, to: Ch Rancho Gabriel Rishi Shera, Ch Srinagar Zandia of Gandhar and to Ch Xanadu Xenakhmet of Arrokiba CD. His offspring included SBIS, Group First and #1 ranked lure-coursing salukis. Baha's descendents can mainly be found in the Snowynde salukis and to a lesser extent, our own.
More pictures coming soon.