Saluki Cheat Sheet (Note: NOT OFFICIAL! MY interpretation---it has additions to and deletions from the AKC standard! The AKC Standard always takes precedence.)
The exam: Be confident, quick and quiet
General impression:
Ears: Set high and mobile.
Eyes: Large and oval, obliquely set. Dark except in livers.
Nose: Dark except in livers.
Neck: Long, arched, set smoothly into withers
Topline: Smooth with a soft arch over the loin
Chest: To, or almost to, the elbow. Not beyond.
Tuck-up. Pronounced, especially in bitches.
Front: Moderately angulated. No column front, no sporting dog front, no forechest or prow.
Rear: Moderately angulated. No weedy second thigh.
Feet: Large, hare. Feathered have hair between toes.
Tail: Set low. Carried in a curve. If carried high, not forward of the point of croup.
Feathering: As long as it is "long" then longer isn't better. Smooths have no feathering.
Movement: Light, reaching, head high, body not lowered. Closer to an Afghan Hound than a GSD.
Temperament: May be aloof or slightly hesitant to be touched, but not shy.
The exam: Be confident, quick and quiet
General impression:
- Combines the appearance of SPEED, ENDURANCE, STRENGTH, GRACE and SYMMETRY
- Square or slightly longer than square---never with short legs; Legs should be at least half of height.
- More likely to be too big than too little
Ears: Set high and mobile.
Eyes: Large and oval, obliquely set. Dark except in livers.
Nose: Dark except in livers.
Neck: Long, arched, set smoothly into withers
Topline: Smooth with a soft arch over the loin
Chest: To, or almost to, the elbow. Not beyond.
Tuck-up. Pronounced, especially in bitches.
Front: Moderately angulated. No column front, no sporting dog front, no forechest or prow.
Rear: Moderately angulated. No weedy second thigh.
Feet: Large, hare. Feathered have hair between toes.
Tail: Set low. Carried in a curve. If carried high, not forward of the point of croup.
Feathering: As long as it is "long" then longer isn't better. Smooths have no feathering.
Movement: Light, reaching, head high, body not lowered. Closer to an Afghan Hound than a GSD.
Temperament: May be aloof or slightly hesitant to be touched, but not shy.